Who is JDfoot?
Jdfoot.shop is a website created by several workers who used to work on famous replica sneaker website, we have a very good friendship with some top replica sneakers factories! We’re committed to creating a paradise for sneaker lovers. Jd Foot hopes that all sneaker lovers can get their favorite sneakers here!
Products batch of Jd Foot
We have selected 2 very representative factories from many factories as our main sales batches. They’re LJR and OG!
LJR refers to sneakers manufactured by a foundry run by a man named Jiarui Liu in Putian City. The most famous sneakers of LJR is AJ1 series, there is no one on the replica sneakers market that can surpass LJR AJ1 .All LJR sneakers manufactured by Dongguan factory, Because the manufacturing industry in Dongguan is more mature than Putian, the indicators produced are closer to the original data than Putian.
The OG factory is currently the best version of Replica sneaker. OG represents the top craftsmanship and the highest quality materials. OG represents the original, and it means the closest 1:1 Replica sneakers! The price of the OG batch will be relatively high, but the corresponding price corresponds to the corresponding quality. The Replica sneaker of the OG factory will never let you down!
Jd Foot goal
Jd foot has a small dream, that’s everyone can afford to wear expensive sneakers like Nike, Air Jordan, Adidas and Yeezy, etc.
We extend our sincere welcome to every sneaker lovers comes to our website, and hope that everyone comes to our Jdfoot.shop can find the sneakers you love!
How to contact us
Jd Foot hopes to establish a close relationship with every customer, and love to communicate with everyone for how u think about replica sneakers .
Welcome to contact us to get coupon or ask any questions through:
WhatsApp: +44 7927 523126(Best Way)
Instagram: @jdfootstore
Facebook Messenger: m.me/103175978679423
Mail : jdfootstore@gmail.com