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OG Yeezy 500 (13)

JDFOOT Best-Quality Fake Yeezy Website to Get Replica Yeezy Shoes

Replica Yeezy 500 series - represents retro and nostalgia

The replica yeezy 500 is a high-quality replica sneaker jointly launched by JDFOOT and major replica factories. The design inspiration of replica Yeezy 500 is to combine the original POWERPHASE shoe shape of YEZZY with the retro outsole of BOOST 500. It not only inherits the classic design of Tianzu, but also caters to the current trend of old shoes. The overall look of the shoes is not casual. The simple temperament perfectly matches the retro trend.
The design of the yeezy 500 replica sole is a wavy pattern like the waves of the sea. The upper is made of suede and leather. The yeezy 500 replica upper is rich in layering presented by suede and mesh material. The biggest highlight is its unique reflective design, surrounded by 3m reflective tape. The visual performance is not dull at all, but the layers are more three-dimensional and rich. The upper feet on the street do have a good eye-catching effect!
Replica Yeezy 500 cancels the blessing of Boost, and adopts the old-fashioned Adiprene technology, which is the design of Tianzu. Although the foot feel feedback is not as good as Boost, it is still excellent. The Replica Yeezy 500 feels more like basketball replica shoes and has better wrapping properties. It is the most wrapping style in the Adidas yeezy series. The sole is very thick and soft. You can see the obvious deformation when you press it with your fingers, and it rebounds quickly. The raised lines improve the overall stability of the shoe, and the palm and heel are well supported. and packages. Some friends said that they thought that the yeezy 500 replica would have a normal foot feel, but they were unexpectedly easy to wear after wearing it. After walking 30,000 steps a day, the feet would not be tired at all, and the feet would not be too tight in summer. It can be seen that it is a pair of old men. The performance of the replica sneakers in the shoes is still very good.
How to maintain Replica Yeezy 500?
Strengthen the maintenance of yeezy 500 replica. After wearing Replica Yeezy 500 every time, gently wipe the surface of the shoes with a damp cloth, you can add a little mild detergent solution, which will help you clean your replica Yeezy 500 more. When you are not wearing yeezy 500 replica, put them in a dry and ventilated place and avoid direct sunlight, because strong sunlight and humid environments can also cause basketball shoes to peel off. Be careful not to do too much exercise while wearing Replica Yeezy 500, which will reduce the durability of Replica Yeezy 500.
How to clean Replica Yeezy 500?
The upper of the Replica Yeezy 500 is made of suede fabric. For replica shoes made of this fabric, it is recommended to clean the dirt on the surface with suede cleaner first. The friction provided by the cleaning glue can effectively remove the dirt on the surface.
After using the cleaning gel, you can use the cleaning kit for deep cleaning. It is recommended that you use a dry cleaning kit. This cleaning kit contains cleaning foam, no need to add water during the cleaning process, which can effectively reduce the chance of damaging the material. The set also contains different accessories, so that beginners in cleaning can also achieve excellent cleaning results.
Can yeezy 500 replica be washed with water?
It can be used, but only a little water is allowed. Do not use too much water during cleaning as it will soften the leather surface, plus scrubbing may damage the material. Avoid the kind of big cleaning that soaks them all in water. The better the replica sneakers are, the more delicate they are. Soaking in water will hurt the shoes the most. Do not use too much force with a soft brush.
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