🔎How to make money on JDFOOT?
STEP1: Register and log in to the JDFOOT website, and find "💰Make money💰" in "My Account".
STEP2: Share your exclusive link or goods link or coupon to your social account or friends
💸If people buy shoes through the exclusive link you share, you will get 8% of the shoe price as a reward.
STEP3: Check Credit, 1275 Credit = 10.2$
You can use Credit to exchange for money or discounts or shoes, check this link🔗How to use Credit?
1. Use Credit to exchange for money, contact customer service to get the money, and settle every 2 weeks.
2. Use Credit to exchange for discounts and use them for your own orders.
3. Use Credit to exchange for shoes
6000 Credit can be exchanged for any yeezy slide
9000 Credit can be exchanged for any OG batch shoes
13000 Credit can be exchanged for any LJR batch shoes
15000 Credit can be exchanged for any shoes
STEP4: Contact customer service for settlement
📅Cycle: Settlement every 2 weeks, and Credit will be cleared after settlement.
📞Please contact us for any questions
WhatsApp: +44 7927 523126 (Best)
Instargam: @jdfootsneaker
Mail: jdfootstore@gmail.com