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OG Yeezy 700 (11)

JDFOOT Best-Quality Fake Yeezy Website to Get Replica Yeezy Shoes

The fake yeezys 700 is made of suede, breathable mesh, leather and 3M reflective materials. Not only is the texture extremely rich, but 3M is hidden in the mesh of the shoe body, the toe, the heel, and the midsole, and there are even more hidden surprises in low-light environments. . The inner lining is made of breathable mesh fabric, which optimizes the breathability and at the same time, the appropriate sponge filling enhances the soft package, and the replica YEEZY font is embossed on the inside, with unique details.

Fake yeezys 700 size and upper foot guide:

In terms of size selection, everyone's pursuit of foot feel is different. I personally feel that all fake yeezys 700 series shoes are too small overall. The toe part is designed to be narrow. I tried the size I usually wear before and found that it is a bit on the foot, so I would recommend buying a half size up. However, the shoe will loosen up a little over time, so don't put too much pressure on it if it feels a little tight when you first wear it.

The new member of the Yeezy family, the fake yeezys 700 Static, like other 700 series shoes, has a retro thick silhouette, but the design of the upper has been upgraded, combining grid woven fabrics, suede and leather, and 3M reflective material. Due to the mixed material structure design used in the upper design, the fake yeezys 700 shoe does not need to be filled as much as the original yeezy 700 replica series replica shoes, so it will not feel tight when worn. However, although the difference between each generation is not that great, I still recommend buying a half size up to be safer. "

The silhouette of the shoe is quite similar to that of a killer whale, with smooth lines and a friendly and lovely appearance. The upper material is rich, suede, breathable mesh, and anti-fur show an interesting layering, and the seamless integration of 3M reflective materials makes you the brightest star in the night sky, and the reflective effect on your feet at night. The midsole made of EVA polymer material has an abstract and sci-fi feel. The outer wall is streamlined and cut with edges and corners to show a sharp temperament. The midsole is embedded with Boost cushioning that runs through the entire palm. Full-length Boost embedded in the midsole. The eye-catching words "700" and "BOOST" on the shoe box highlight the unique identity and technological content. The foot feel is invincible, a large number of mesh materials are used to reduce weight, the lightest among old-fashioned shoes, the whole palm BOOST is soft, and urban youths can't explain the magical outfit of urban exploration.

How to maintain fake yeezys 700 ?

First, the yeezy 700 replica should be placed in a relatively dry and ventilated place, avoiding direct sunlight, because a humid environment will cause corrosion of the shoe body, and exposure to sunlight will cause some materials of the shoes to deteriorate and change color. However, the place where the shoes are placed should not be too dry, because it will cause cracks in the leather. Because a humid environment will cause the shoe body to corrode, and exposure to sunlight will cause a part of the material of the replica sneaker to deteriorate and change color.

Second, when storing shoes, soft paper balls should be stuffed inside the shoes. The main purpose of this is that the paper balls can absorb the residual moisture inside the shoes to keep the inside dry, and it is beneficial to keep the shape of the shoes fixed. As for "breaking down" after use.

Third, what needs to be pointed out is that for the storage of collection type, yeezy 700 replica is best to buy some shrink film and completely wrap a pair of shoes like in a shoe store, so as to isolate the shoes from the air to the maximum extent and prevent them from being damaged for a long time. The air in the replica shoe is constantly oxidizing the shoe. For example, the outsoles of visible air cushions such as maxair or Jordan 11 and 16 will slowly turn yellow within a few years. It is a better choice to use shrink film to maintain the original color.

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