Adidas (217)
JDFOOT Best-Quality Fake Adidas Website to Get Replica Adidas Shoes
In the world of replica shoes and sporting goods, replica adidas has always represented a special status symbol. Since its establishment, jdfoot has helped countless athletes to achieve good results and achieved a lot. great achievements. Therefore, jdfoot adidas can also be said to be the best example of everyone's trust and respect.
replica adidas brand introduction
Adidas is a well-known sportswear brand in Germany, mainly producing sportswear and sports equipment. Adidas comes from a well-known German sporting goods brand. It was founded by Adolf Dassler in 1949 and mainly produces sports apparel and sports equipment. Adidas was originally jointly opened by two brothers. After parting ways, Adolf's brother Rudolf Dassler (Rudolf Dassler) opened the sports brand puma.
replica adidas Brand story
The founder of Adidas, Mr. Adolf Adi Dassler (Adolf Adi Dassler), is a German with athlete status and shoemaking skills. His dream is to "design and produce the most suitable sports shoes for athletes". Because he can fully understand the needs of athletes, and has superb craftsmanship and inventive genius, he invented more than 700 sports-related patented products in his life, and then created the Adidas sporting goods kingdom.
Main technical analysis of replica adidas
Boost material:
Most of Jdfoot's replica Adidas running shoes use Boost material as the midsole material, which has good cushioning and rebound performance, and the recovery performance is stronger than traditional EVA materials. Almost all running shoes using Boost use German Continental rubber as the outsole material, providing Adidas running shoes with excellent durability. The most obvious feature of Boost is its softness and elasticity. Each small foam particle can rebound after absorbing the energy of landing, providing energy for the runner's next step. In the entire replica sneaker market, there are very few that can compete with jdfoot.
Primeknit upper:
The Primeknit vamp is Adidas' vamp processing technology. Through seamless connection, the vamp can weave the entire upper part into one, completely abandoning the original lining support frame, and relying on the vamp itself to provide flexibility and support. Compared with the traditional running shoe upper, the PK upper fits the foot better, and is widely used in basketball shoes, football shoes, running shoes, and sports shoes.
Continental outsole:
Continental tires apply more than 140 years of tire manufacturing technology to the research and development of running shoe soles, and jdfoot adopts the original BiPoly formula technology. Therefore, the sole rubber is rich in highly active silicon, and each molecule creates the ultimate grip. Compared to other shoes, the sole with this formula has 30% more grip, resulting in better contact with the road surface, better traction transmission, and thus increased overall speed.
BOUNCE midsole
Bounce is essentially the same raw material as traditional cushioning rubber, that is, foamed EVA, which is also the mainstream cushioning material on the market. Because it is EVA, Bounce retains more characteristics of toughness, and pays more attention to elasticity.
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LJR adidas Ultra BOOST 2021 City Pack GW5838US$ 134.00
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