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OG Yeezy 700 V3 (8)

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YEEZY 700 V3 appeared as early as 2018. At that time, it flowed out through a Tweet of the manager Kanye West, which aroused public myths and speculations. Until 2019, when an online video about Kanye West presenting a pair of replica YEEZY 700 V3 generation to the famous artist DJ Khaled, the clearer outline of the shoes was officially exposed. Later, in December of the same year, the replica shoes were officially launched. The exposure and popularity of the third generation of adidas YEEZY 700 may not be as strong as 350 and other popular styles, but its design is more avant-garde and futuristic. Even though compared with the first and second generations of the same model, the third generation of YEEZY 700 does not have the outline of traditional replica sneakers, but its shape and lines are unique, with a high degree of recognition and brand charm.

Replica Yeezy 700 V3 material:

Specifically, unlike the materials used on the Yeezy Boost 700 such as leather and suede, the upper of the Yeezy 700 V3 uses a mesh fabric composed of monofilament engineering mesh as the outline basis, and then reinforces it with an RPU overlay. And when it comes to the material of RPU, you might as well insert a little science here. Although there is no official explanation, in fact RPU is also a kind of material that can be used for 3D printing. A material of resin, and digital light synthesis technology company Carbon, as the world's leader in RPU manufacturing and R&D, I guess under the premise of providing adidas with 4D series replica shoe printing technology support earlier, the RPU used on Yeezy 700 V3 The material may also be supplied by this company. As for the sole part, in the case of abandoning the application of BOOST technology to the sole, it is made of polyurethane-wrapped EVA foam material midsole. Although it is not as good as BOOST, for daily wear consumers, The difference may not be big, and there is no need to worry about it not being comfortable enough. In addition, the Yeezy 700 V3 is also equipped with OrthoLite® insoles, which have the same specifications as Converse Addict, and also provide a lot of guarantees for comfort.

Recommended styles of replica YEEZY 700 V3:

Replica YEEZY 700 V3 Fade Salt

adidas YEEZY 700 V3 took the lead in exposing the latest color "Fade Salt" in July, and now the official officially announced the official photo album and release information. YEEZY 700 V3 "Fade Salt" adopts a variety of simple and neutral colors to create the main appearance, and injects black, gray and white into the PrimeKnit upper. The black and white lines are very coordinated, with a boot-shaped shoe shaft structure and a milky white RPU bracket. The shoe body, inner shoe body, and shoelaces are supplemented by soft gray. The EVA midsole enhances the wearing comfort and durability, and the herringbone rubber outsole increases the anti-slip friction.

Replica YEEZY 700 V3 Clay Brown

The third generation of adidas YEEZY 700 appeared as early as 2018. At that time, it flowed out through one of the Tweets of the principal Kanye West, which aroused public myths and speculations. Until 2019, when an online video about Kanye West presenting a pair of YEEZY 700 V3 generation to the famous artist DJ Khaled, the clearer outline of the shoes was officially exposed. Later, in December of the same year, the shoes were officially launched. The exposure and popularity of the third generation of adidas YEEZY 700 may not be as strong as 350 and other popular styles, but its design is more avant-garde and futuristic. Even though compared with the first and second generations of the same model, the third generation of YEEZY 700 does not have the outline of traditional replica sneakers, but its shape and lines are unique, with a high degree of recognition and brand charm.

Although its positioning is only the 3.0 version of "700", compared with the previous design that has not changed much, the appearance and technical content of Yeezy 700 V3 have innovative changes, and it is not an exaggeration to treat it as a separate model .

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