OG Yeezy Boost 350 V2 (76)
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The replica yeezy 350 shoe is Kanye's first attempt at low-top replica sneakers. Just in time for Adidas' Ultra Boost shock-absorbing technology and consumers' love for running shoes, the timing of this Turtle Dove colorway is perfect, becoming an iconic shoe in the replica yeezy 350 series.
During the 2016 New York Fashion Week, Kanye held the yeezy replica Season 3 clothing series fashion show in Madison Square Garden, and the scene was as spectacular as a blockbuster movie. It was also through this show that the yeezy replica brand began to gain a foothold in the luxury and fashion landscape, and the replica yeezy 350 was also exposed for the first time in this big show. This shoe basically continues the design of the 350 family, but the original shoe handle and the suede logo patch on both sides of the shoe body are cancelled. The new design features a transparent midsole, a new Primeknit woven texture on the body, and SPLY-350 lettering on the bold color stripes.
Technology of replica yeezy 350
The upper of the Adidas replica yeezy 350 is designed with a breathable and comfortable woven material Primeknit. The midsole and midsole are equipped with BOOST technology. It also avoids the embarrassment that the boost in the midsole will oxidize and turn yellow, making it worse for sale. The overall structure of the upper adopts a more comfortable sock-style design. The upper is not only covered with various air holes, but also embroidered with the words SPLY-350. The round nylon laces make this pair of replica shoes full of street style. The long tongue also rounds out the overall shape of the shoe. Adidas's weaving technology "Primeknit" was released in 2012 by the Primeknit weaving technology developed by Adidas' top team. It can be said to be one of the most representative top sneaker technologies at present, covering almost all the most high-profile sneaker models of the brand.
History of replica yeezy 350
December 17, 2016
Replica yeezy 350 OREO released
Like the three color matching shoes released on Black Friday, the Oreo color matching shoes are also dominated by black, and the stripes on the shoe body are presented in cream color, which looks like an Oreo (Oreo) chocolate sandwich biscuit.
February 25, 2017
Replica yeezy 350 ZEBRA released
Zebra-striped shoes are very classic shoes in yeezy replica sneakers. They have a high rate of appearance in the street shooting of the five Kardashian-Jenner sisters. They are even regarded by Stadium Goods as one of the excellent designs in the replica yeezy 350 series. The mind of a senior replica sneakers fan occupies an immeasurably important position.
June 30, 2018
Replica yeezy 350 "BUTTER" released
After the release of the blue-tint color matching shoes, in order to stimulate the appetite of football replica shoes fans, replica yeezy 350 just kept silent for 6 months, and finally launched this pair of replica yeezy 350 "BUTTER" at the end of June this year. Continuing the design of the all-white color shoes in 2017, this shoe is mainly light yellow, which is a refreshing color that is very suitable for summer wear. Both the shoes and the YEEZY 500 Supermoon Yellow daddy shoes were released in the same month. Both shoes are made of light yellow with a creamy texture, which shows that this is Kanye’s favorite color in summer.
Since it was first born in 2016, replica YEEZY BOOST 350 V2 has experienced 7 years of development in a blink of an eye. It is undoubtedly the most representative yeezy replica shoe. If it is more radical, it is even the entire history of sneakers. A work that cannot be ignored.
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