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OG (793)

JDFOOT Best-Quality OG Fake Sneakers Website to Get OG Replica Shoes

Jdfoot hopes that all fans of replica shoes can buy the replica shoes they are satisfied with! Jdfoot has og Air Jordan, og Nike Dunk SB, og Nike Air max, og Nike Air force, og Nike sacai, og yeezy... jdfoot's OG replica sneakers will never let you down!

The og batch refers to the original classic color scheme of a shoe, also known as the original version or the re-engraved version of the original color. It is the abbreviation of original, which represents the original and the most original meaning. The first color matching of each shoe model is most often called the og version. Pure original can basically represent the highest quality of Putian shoes. The OG, PK, G5, ljr and other versions that you usually hear and see are actually considered pure original. The OG factory is currently a very good quality version of the replica sneaker. OG uses top-of-the-line craftsmanship and the highest quality materials.

The technology of OG replica sneaker can be divided into:

Zoom Air: Lightweight and responsive cushioning technology.

Max Air: Provides shock-absorbing protection against the wild, downward-slamming, repetitive motions of basketball.

Nike React: Nike React foam is an innovative product developed in-house by Nike. The unique synthetic material provides the replica sneaker with a lightweight, soft, resilient foam that is even more durable than Nike Lunar foam. In the past, these four performances could only be achieved separately, and it was difficult to solve them at the same time. However, the research and development of Nike React has enabled the combination of these four performances to be realized.

NIKE Lunarlon: is a cushioning system that combines soft and hard foams to help absorb shock and provide a natural and smooth transition from heel to toe.

Hyperfuse - Composite upper developed by Nike. Traditional upper materials such as leather, mesh and TPU are perfectly combined with a hot-melt technology to achieve the effect of lightness, strength, breathability and protection.

GEL - Cushioning Gel. As the leading technology of ASICS, GEL is a gel cushioning technology, including T-GEL, R-GEL, P-GEL, α-GEL and other types. Common replica sneakers use T-GEL, which is commonly known as "jelly glue".

Rubber Outsole: The most commonly used material in cross-training outsoles, it provides excellent traction and abrasion resistance on indoor and outdoor surfaces.

Jdfoots og batch of Replica sneakers cooperates with established manufacturers. OGs strength is still quite capable. It is said that when the yeezy 350 was first released, OG was able to imitate 90% of the internal standard of the shoe, and its reputation has risen since then. The foot feel is the best among all replica yeezy 350 versions. OG mainly focuses on yeezy 350V2 yeezy 500 replica yeezy 700. Part of AJ OG is also called OG Pure Original. It was called the KO version in 2017 and was renamed OG Pure Original at the end of the year. With the excellent workmanship of yeezy 350V2, Excellent marketing ability and perfect price control successfully ranked as one of the top versions of replica sneaker.

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